The Criminal Boat People Story They’re Not Telling

Yeah, the Aussies are pretty upset with illegal boatloads of criminals coming to their shores. Some argue that the concern is just a mask for rampant xenophobia and part of the war on Islam that fills the newspapers daily with stories of bigotry and hate.

Aussies the world over are blogging about how criminal elements

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Every body needs good neighbours

While it’s very true that Ausfailure is a dump, full of bogan losers and sports stars getting away with all sorts of garbage it’s not all bad news if your refuge boat lands there. New Zealand is only a few more kilometers away and a much nicer place to live and visit, according to experts.

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Corruption Alive And Well In Convict Nation


MORE than 100 police officers have been charged with 320 criminal offences over the past two years, ranging from drug dealing to aggravated sexual assault, drink-driving and unlawfully altering official records, NSW Police data obtained by the Herald show.

The most common charges against 117 officers arrested during the financial years 2008-09 and 2009-10

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Is Ausfailure A Toilet?

What to do with Wee Willy and his Peers

With so many famous Aussies being snapped whipping out their little willys and taking a leak any old place the question needs to be ask as the whether or not Ausfailure is in fact a dunny.

Wee Willy Mason got his hands wet whilst

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Lap Dancers Steal Limelight

Hugh Gerection, today sacked for allowing lap dancers into the athletes village, said he would repeat the deed if he was put in a similar situation again.

“Gizz a break Bluey” he told this reporter.

“Skirts all part of the perks in this job”

It is understood that games officials have decided to investigate the

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Police Issue Warning As Ocker Sports Fans Lose Again

Victorian Police today advised that any Ockers seen to demonstrate being a poor loser would be best advised in calling into the local cop shop and picking up a copy of the new Police leaflet on ‘How to cop losing at sport all the time’.

Police hope that trying to counsel Ockers that losing can

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Authorities Appeal For Publics Help

John Doe

Rockhampton Police are today appealing to the public for help in identifying a John Doe who has turned up on their doorstep penniless and looking for a place to stay.

Police feel sure that someone somewhere will know the man and hope by publishing the photo someone somewhere will be able

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