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Bloody good a yas ta drop in and provide a bit a support for the poor buggers doing it tough in Ausfailure’s sports teams.

Rugby, cricket, football or rugby league the poor old Aussie bludgers can’t seem ta make any impression on the scoreboard. has tracked the demise of the former penile colony as it slides down the sh1theap and even we are shocked at just how sh!thouse the poor little bleeders are at, well, everything.

Our goal is to provide moral support for the inhabitants of Loser Central and we want to them to know that we are here, watching their every stumble and fall, and we will not abandon our task.

We aim to have 5 billion members of the Ausfailure Facebook Group so please make sure to invite all your friends to join.

If you are an Aussie we appreciate that you may not have many friends so feel free to create some new profiles and pretend 😉

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